There are currently 17 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
A1 shops
Retail sale or display of goods for sale other than hot food, including retail warehouses, hairdressers, undertakers, travel and ticket agencies, post offices (but not sorting offices), pet shops, sandwich bars and other cold food for consumption off the premises, showrooms, domestic hire shops, dry cleaners, funeral directors and internet cafes, in all cases where the sale, display or services is to visiting members of the public. The changes that are permitted to A1 plus a single flat above.
A2 financial and professional services
Financial services such as banks and building societies, professional services (other than health and medical services) including estate and employment agencies and betting offices. The changes that are permitted are to A1, to A1 plus a single flat above, and to A2 plus a single flat above.
A3 restaurants and cafes
For the sale of food and drink for consumption on the premises - restaurants, snack bars and cafes.The changes that are permitted are to A1 or A2.
A4 drinking establishments
Public houses, wine bars or other drinking establishments (but not night clubs). The changes that are permitted are to A1 or A2 or A3.
A5 hot food takeaways
For the sale of hot food for consumption off the premises, the changes that are permitted are to A1 or A2 or A3.
Absolute compliance
Absolute compliance requires that the party covenanting as such complies with the requirements of the covenant in full. Where found in a break clause absolute compliance of certain conditions is the prerequisite of successfully satisfying the break clause.
Adjudication provides a forum for disputes to be settled quickly; normally within 28 days. It is generally the statutory procedure for settling building disputes. It has proved particularly useful in allowing works to continue and avoiding unnecessary tensions. An adjudicator’s decision is binding but the decision can be revisited in, for example, arbitration or a court of law.
Alienation provision
Alienation provisions are those clause(s) in a lease which govern a tenant's ability to dispose of its leasehold interest.
Alterations are works undertaken by the tenant which alter, cut, divide, relocate or modify the demise, which can include the building, partitions, mechanical and electrical services, or finishes.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to a range of processes for resolving commercial disputes without seeking redress from the courts. In addition to Arbitration, this most commonly means Mediation, Adjudication and Conciliation. Some pre-litigation protocols require, or strongly encourage, the use of ADR - particularly Mediation - prior to commencing legal proceedings, with potential consequences in the Award of Costs against non-complying parties.
Antecedent Valuation Date (AVD)
This is the date by which market conditions are assumed to prevail. Physical factors are taken at or after a rating list is compiled. There is a two-year gap between the Antecedent Valuation Date and the publication of a Rating List which enables the Valuation Officer and the appellant ratepayer to consider rental evidence without needing to project or speculate.
Arbitration is governed by statute. Agreements to refer disputes to a specialist arbitrator are often made in a lease or building contract. Arbitration is private; the arbitrator’s award is final and binding and is based on evidence put forward. There are limited rights of appeal to the courts on procedural irregularities and points of law. This is a popular way of resolving property disputes where privacy and speed are important.
Asset valuation
An asset valuation is the formal "open market" or "existing use" valuation of land, offices and buildings or plant and machinery. Asset valuations are used in company accounts, or for establishing the value of an asset for loan security or in merger & acquisition activity.
An assignment of a lease is where the tenant transfers/sells its entire interest in the property for the unexpired term of the lease to an assignee.
An auction is a sale which takes place, usually in public, when a property is sold to the highest bidder, provided the amount of money offered reaches the reserve price. The sale process by auction is immediate, with exchange of contracts being achieved on the “fall of the hammer”.
Authorised Guarantee (AGA)
The concept of the Authorised Guarantee (AGA) was introduced by the Landlord & Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 to implement changes to the law on Privity of Contract on Assignment of a commercial property lease. It is an agreement that an outgoing tenant enters into with the landlord when it assigns its lease to a new tenant. Under the AGA, the outgoing tenant guarantees the performance of the covenants by the new tenant. The outgoing tenant therefore becomes the guarantor for the new tenant.